There are 3 ways you can use a BigHorn™ trim coil dispenser:

1. Using the BigHorn™ on the shipping box:
- Remove the coil from shipping box.
- Flatten the shipping box.
- Lay an optional towel over the shipping box.
- Clamp BigHorn to the edge of box.
- Install the coil.

2. Using the BigHorn™ on planks:
- Remove the coil from the shipping box.
- Place 2 planks on saw horses.
- Screw BigHorn™ table onto the planks.
- Lay an optional towel onto the table.
- Clamp BigHorn™ onto table. (BigHorn™ will clamp onto any surface up to 5/8″ thick)
- Install the coil.

3. Using the BigHorn™ attached to the brake:
- Remove the coil from the shipping box.
- Mount BigHorn™ table on saw horses adjacent to brake.
- Add spacers under the table making it level with the brake opening.
- Lay an optional towel onto the table.
- Clamp BigHorn™ to the table.
- Install the coil.
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